Exciting 2017 – Two new books

1000x1000_FB_4 I hope you have missed Mambo as I have – It’s been nearly three years since I last released a book in the series – This year particularly, I was excited to have Mambo showcase his special toy collection. What makes his toy special is that he builds most of them from recycled or unused materials. This certainly takes me back to my childhood – growing up, we could make toys out of almost nothing. Ohhh how much fun that was. Mambo’s Toy Collection will trigger your creativity and joy of play.

1000x1000_FB_2Last year during a trip, my youngest lost a boot in the river in Cameroon – and oh boy… I needed to mitigate the meltdown and come up with a story on the spot on how useful the boat could be to wildlife living near the river. The kids often ask me to tell them that story over and over again – so we decided to turn it into a book – Tuma’s Boot – soon to be read in classrooms too. In essence, this was a way to help him cope with loss and making him understand that sometimes, things we lose are much more needed and appreciated by others. Nothing is really lost after all.

I hope 2017 has been exciting for you as well. I am thrilled to share these two new gems with you – just in time for the holidays!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to ALL!

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